Healthy Eating

7 foods that are far more dangerous than you think


Good work.

You’ve re-joined the gym, spent the odd evening pounding the treadmill in a bid to shed all that extra lumber you acquired during the Christmas hibernation, and now you’re prodding a vagrant piece of celery around a plate wishing it was a Big Mac instead.

Now, what if we told you this ‘healthy’ eating might be more dangerous than one of Ronald’s finest? That certain superfoods are actually more likely to make you sick than a big old burger?

Yes, we wouldn’t believe us either; but then we’re not telling you this – US lawyer Bill Marler is.

As a lawyer who’s litigated foodborne illness cases since 1993, securing over $6m (£420m) for his clients in the process, it’s fair to say he knows a bit more than your average punter as to what to eat and what not to eat.

And now, published in Food Poisoning Journal, he’s revealed the six specific foods he avoids like “the plague.”

You’ll never look at pre-washed vegetables the same way again.

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