Healthy Eating

Carb Addicts Diet Plan

Carb Addicts Diet Plan

The Challenge with Carbs

If you feel like carbs keep messing up your weight loss efforts, you may be a carb addict.

And you’re not alone. Carbs are one of the hardest things to cut out of your diet, especially the bad carbs like refined pasta and white bread.

The problem with carbs is that they cause an immediate spike in your blood glucose (or blood sugar) level. This spike only lasts for a short time, because processed carbohydrates are digested quickly. Once they’re digested, you experience a major drop in blood glucose, which leaves you feeling hungry for more in a very short period of time.

These kinds of fluctuations in your blood glucose level can literally wreak havoc on your weight loss goals. Sudden drops in blood glucose are when cravings are at their worse. This is when you’re most likely to go for junk food – and more often than not, that means more carbs!

What’s so bad about carbs?

Even if you’re sticking to healthy, whole grain carbs, eating too many of them will still lead to weight gain. Generally speaking, carbs come with extra calories and are more quickly converted to fat deposits if not used up.

Is carb cutting safe?

Cutting out carbs completely is not safe and can actually be very hard on your metabolism. Your body needs some carbs for energy production and the proper digestion of other foods, particularly proteins.

But reducing carbs is an important step in weight loss, especially if you’re trying to tone up and lean out.

Let’s look at a diet specifically designed for carb addicts. If you have a problem giving up carbs, or find your cravings to be really intense, this is the diet plan for you. It’s designed to reduce cravings and keep you feeling full for longer!

The Carb Addicts Diet Plan

First, here are some basic principles for cutting down on carbs and controlling cravings:

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