Healthy Eating

Chlorella Benefits

chlorella benefits

Chlorella Benefits

Super foods have really hit the market strong in North America.

While those like Green Tea Extract, Organic Chia Seeds, and Organic Extra-Virgin Coconut Oil have demonstrated significant health benefits, there’s one super food that’s growing in popularity for some pretty good reasons.

It’s called chlorella. This green super food is essentially a type of algae (that’s been dried), and it’s seriously packed with some amazing health benefits!

Chlorella has only more recently been packaged as a health food, but it’s surprising that it took this long to become so popular. The basic nutritional content is pretty astounding. Here’s a breakdown of the benefits of chlorella.

Chlorella Benefits

  • High in Protein – When dried, chlorella is a whopping 45% protein! That’s extremely high for any protein not derived from animals or animal byproducts.
  • Healthy Fats – Although chlorella is usually about 20%, these fats are polyunsaturated, which means they’re the fats we want to be adding to our diet.
  • Fiber – The average serving of chlorella is about 5% fiber, so you’re also getting a significant source of this key dietary component.
  • Good Carbohydrates – Chlorella is about 20% carbohydrates, but these are the kinds of carbs you want to be eating! Unrefined, plant-based, and full of vitamins.
  • Vitamin and Mineral Rich – And this brings us to our last major point. Chlorella is just packed full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to support a healthy lifestyle. Seriously, this one really deserves the title “super food.”

In combination, these nutritional characteristics make chlorella ideal for boosting your metabolism, supporting lean muscle growth, burning more calories and fat, and giving your body the energy it needs to get in serious shape! Furthermore, the high protein and fiber content will also help you avoid cravings by keeping you feeling full for longer.

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