Healthy Eating

Chocolate Caramel Superfood Smoothie

Chocolate Caramel Superfood Smoothie

Spoiling Yourself with Chocolatey Bliss

So I’m going to be up front about this one – it’s a little on the indulgent side. That said, it’s a healthy kind of indulgent, and with a few superfoods thrown in, this chocolate caramel smoothie is everything you could ask for and more.

Smoothies are a great way to stay healthy and satisfied. Whether it’s as a meal replacement, a post-workout recovery drink, or a mid-afternoon snack, a smoothie can help sustain a healthy and fit lifestyle.

This chocolate caramel superfood smoothie has the added advantage of satisfying some of the biggest cravings, and we all know how annoying cravings can be on a healthy diet. There’s a little sweet, a little salty, and some serious superfood ingredients wrapped up into this one. If you’ve got a sweet tooth but strive to keep it healthy, you’ve got to give this recipe a try.

Ready to have your taste buds blown away?

My Healthy Chocolate Caramel Smoothie Recipe

Grab your blender, and blend together the following ingredients. This recipe serves one, but you can easily double it up to make two.

  • 1 cup of coconut water
  • 1 medium banana, chilled or frozen
  • 1 scoop of Optimum 100% Natural Whey caramel toffee fudge flavor protein powder
  • 2 tablespoons of cacao powder
  • 10 raw unsalted cashews
  • 1 large date, pitted (Medjool or Deglet Noor)
  • 1 teaspoon of Maca powder
  • 1 tablespoon of almond butter
  • 1 cup of fresh baby spinach
  • 4-5 ice cubes

Once blended together, these healthy ingredients offer a delectable flavor that’s sure to please any palate. Plus there are a lot of healthy ingredients included in this recipe, from the antioxidant-rich and calcium rich spinach to the energizing Maca powder and almond butter. The banana, cashews, and date boost the energy even further, and the coconut water will replenish electrolytes and other key nutrients.

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