Healthy Eating

Detox Diets for Weight Loss

detox diets for weight loss

Detox Diets for Weight Loss

If you need to jumpstart your weight loss efforts, nothing can be more effective than a detox.

Detox diets tend to get a lot of attention, mostly for their exaggerated claims of weight loss success. But the truth is, many detox diets are just fads. Most can’t be sustained for any long period of time, and some can actually be hard on your body.

This is why I lean towards a more natural, holistic approach – one that is geared towards simple lifestyle changes that can be maintained for the long term. In other words, you should view a detox as a more permanent change to your eating habits.

Out with the bad, and in with the good! This is how real weight loss happens.

Here’s my solution to detox diets for weight loss. Follow these tips, and you’ll be on your way to weight loss success!

Detox Diets for Weight Loss – Lifelong Detox Solutions

1. Drink More Water – Before you do anything else, increase your water intake. Water is the best natural detox available. It effectively cleanses your body of toxins and keeps your metabolism running smoothly. Soft drinks should be out, and juices should be reduced as much as possible. All of these things are just too high in sugar.

2. Cut Down on Refined Sugars & Carbs – This brings us to my second point. The next most important step to a natural detox is to cut down on refined sugars and carbohydrates (especially simple carbs and starches). This is why fad detox diets fail, because they neglect basic principles of weight loss. Sugars and carbs are stored as fat if not burned off during exercise and energy production, so you must reduce your intake to see real results.

One easy way to fight your sugar cravings is to have a cup of tea. Drinking tea is an effective way to distract your palate and help you forget about those pesky cravings. One of the best teas for doing this is Magic Matcha Green Tea – it will also boost your metabolism and get you burning more fat!

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