Healthy Eating

Diet Mistakes Part 1

diet mistakes

Diet Mistakes Part 1

Feel like you’ve hit another dieting plateau? Can’t get the results you’re looking for?

You may be making a major diet mistake.

In fact, there are a number of confusing facts, myths, and strange ideas floating around out there that can make your dieting efforts pretty frustrating.

So I thought it was time to put these myths to rest! This is Part 1 of a 2 part series on the top 10 diet mistakes you may be making. Take a look, and consider your own dieting efforts. I’ll also be offering up some simple solutions to get you back on track and in shape!

Top Diet Mistakes & Simple Solutions

Diet Mistake #1 – Waiting Too Long Between Meals

A lot of people believe that starving themselves will actually contribute to weight loss, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Eating less often actually puts your body into survival mode and gets you storing more calories as fat.

The solution? Eat more frequently than normal, aiming for at least 6 smaller meals throughout the day. Eating in this way actually keeps your metabolism revved up, which means you’ll burn more calories and fat over the course of the day.

Also aim for getting lots of protein to keep you feeling full and satisfied. A tasty protein shake like Gaspari Nutrition Myofusion or a protein bar like these Myoplex LIte Bars can be very effective.

Diet Mistake #2 – Cutting Out All Sodium

You’ve probably heard that sodium makes you retain water. And that’s definitely true. A diet that is too high in sodium will lead to water retention, meaning you’ll look less toned than you actually are. But cutting out too much sodium is actually a bad thing. Sodium is important for maintaining fluid balance in your body, and too little can also lead to water retention and affect muscle functioning.

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