Healthy Eating

Healthy Eating Challenge

healthy eating challenge

Healthy Eating Challenge

Have you been considering a new diet? Think it’s time to get smart about your food choices?

Well I’ve come up with a healthy eating challenge to get your diet back on track! This diet challenge is all about sustainability – meaning it’s designed as a lifestyle change, not a fad diet that you’ll abandon in a few weeks.

In addition to improving your overall health and wellness, this healthy eating challenge is also designed to give your metabolism a major boost, so that you’ll burn more fat and calories on a regular basis. There are a number of foods out there that have the right nutritional composition to do just that.

And remember, eating healthy is only half the battle. A healthy lifestyle also requires regular exercise, whether it’s cardiovascular exercise, resistance training, or a combination of both.

So let’s get to it. My healthy eating challenge includes a few basic strategies that will help take your health and fitness to the next level. Ready for this?

Healthy Eating Challenge

Healthy Eating Strategy #1: Focus on Whole Foods – I’ve always been a big fan of the whole foods approach. Choosing whole foods simply means avoiding highly processed foods and choosing basic, natural ingredients. So rather than eating a blueberry muffin, have a bowl of oatmeal with fresh blueberries and a bit of brown sugar. Simple choices like this can remove a ton of fats, sugars, and empty calories from your diet.

You should also be replacing white flour with whole grains whenever possible. Nuts and seeds are also great whole food options. Almonds, walnuts, and these new Nutiva Organic Chia Seeds are all healthy, nutritional choices.

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