Healthy Eating

Matcha Green Tea Benefits

matcha green tea benefits

Matcha Green Tea Benefits

If you’re looking for an all-around health booster, then you need to try matcha green tea!

I’ve been recommending green tea to my clients for years, either in its natural form or in a concentrated supplement like Irwin Naturals Green Tea Fat Metabolizer. Studies have shown significant improvements in burning fat and losing weight.

But matcha green tea is a whole other story. This super food is one of the most powerful foods you can add to your diet!

What is Matcha Green Tea?

Unlike regular green tea, matcha green tea is made using the full leaves of the plant. Regular green tea involves steeping the tea in water, but matcha is completely dissolved, allowing you to ingest the entire leaf.

This means taking advantage of all the benefits green tea has to offer. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of matcha green tea…

Matcha Green Tea Benefits

The Japanese have been taking advantage of matcha green tea for years. This super food is metabolism-boosting, stress-relieving, immune-enhancing, and cholesterol-busting! Sound too good to be true? It isn’t! These benefits are completely supported by science.

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