


Do you have trouble staying motivated, get bored with the same routine or just not sure what to do when it comes to an exercise program? At N-Tensity, we take the guesswork out of working out and provide a fun, safe and unintimidating environment for our clients.

Our staff of Certified Personal Trainers do all of the “heavy lifting” when it comes to creating a fun and effective workout program for our clients to follow. Each session is unique and different so you will never get bored by doing the same workout day after day.

Our programs are challenging and scalable and provide a world class workout suitable for the novice all the way up to the most experienced fitness enthusiast. Our trainers will take you through a series of workouts that will target and hit every major muscle group during training, and they will make sure you are doing each movement properly to achieve maximum results. Our classes are very small by design, in order to provide you with the personal attention you deserve, a maximum of 10 members per class is our limit!

At N-Tensity you will see tangible results real time during your workout thru the use of MyZone Heart Rate technology. Each client is fitted with a MyZone Heart Rate monitor, during each workout, member workout data is displayed on our TV screens inside the workout area. The MyZone monitors track how many fat calories burned, % of maximum heart rate and how much effort you are exerting during the workout. Having this data is critical to ensuring each member is working at the proper intensity level to achieve maximum results and getting your heart rate up and “Mastering the Zone” is vital to better cardio, endurance conditioning and fat calorie burn!

The combination of our Personal Trainer instruction, fun unique classes and MyZone technology, make Small Group Fitness at N-Tensity unlike any other program in the Valley and is sure to provide you with superior results.


  • Initial evaluation to benchmark your progress.
  • Certified Personal Trainer instruction.
    MyZone Heart Rate Monitor and Activity Belt for the ultimate in
    tracking accountability.
  • Custom Computerized Nutrition Planning.
  • Accountability Coaching to help keep you motivated and accountable for
    reaching your goals.
  • Monthly weigh in and body composition tracking.
  • Achieving your goals in record time!

Why wait? Contact us today for your Free consultation and evaluation.

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