Healthy Eating

20 Killer Fat Loss Nutrition Tips

20 Killer Fat Loss Nutrition Tips

Road-Map to Clean Eating

Alright, today I’m getting straight to the point and offering up some killer fat loss tips. These ones are all about nutrition. Let’s face it, you’re not going to lose the fat you want without getting serious about eating clean.

Many of these tips take things one step further, and offer strategies for boosting your metabolism and enhancing your body’s ability to burn fat.

If it’s time to get serious about your fat loss goals once and for all, these clean eating nutrition tips are for you. Try one, or try them all…

20 Killer Nutrition Tips to Lose Fat

1. Squeeze a Lemon – Lemon juice is a great all-natural metabolism enhancer. Squeeze some of the fresh stuff on your seafood, salad, or veggies for a serious fat burning boost. Or check out my article on Lemon Water Benefits here.

2. Spice it Up – Much like lemon juice, spices and hot ingredient are great metabolism boosters. Whether it’s cayenne pepper, chili powder, or hot sauce, adding it to your food will burn some extra calories.

3. Snack on Nuts – Nuts are one of the healthiest snacks you can eat, and although they’re high in fat, this fat is actually good for you in moderation, and can help distribute fat away from your waistline. Go for almonds and pistachios first.

4. Go Greek – When it comes to yogurt, make the switch to Greek yogurt. It’s incredibly high in protein, which will help you stay full and lose weight.

5. Start Your Day with Protein – Protein is especially important for starting your day and boosting your metabolism early on. Try one of these Protein Shake Recipes.

6. Go Whole Grain – Whole grains are lower in calories and are less likely to be converted to fat. So make the switch to whole grain and you’ll notice a serious improvement in your fat loss goals.

7. Add Quinoa to Your Diet – Quinoa is a great replacement for your same old carbohydrates. And it’s much healthier. Packed with protein and fiber, it’s the perfect fat loss carb.

8. Spread the Avocado – Looking for a healthy, fat-burning alternative to butter and margarine? Next time you make a sandwich, spread the avocado. It’s just as creamy and satisfying.

9. Buy Fresh Herbs – Fresh herbs are packed full of healthy vitamins and antioxidants, perfect ingredients for burning fat and losing weight.

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