Healthy Eating

5 Foods with More Protein than an Egg

5 foods with more protein than an egg

Eating High Quality Proteins

Let’s face it, there’s no single food item that packs a more perfect dose of protein than an egg. It really is one of the healthiest and most convenient ways to get a solid serving of protein, and at any time of the day.

All that said, eggs can get a little boring, and variety is an important factor in staying committed to your dietary goals.

Think About Your Protein

Protein is an essential consideration on any healthy diet, whether your goal is burning fat or building muscle. Not only does it improve your weight training results, it also boosts your resting metabolism in a significant way, leading to more fat and calories burned over time.

But getting your protein from a variety of healthy sources is key. Not only is variety important in preventing boredom, it also results in more effective support to your muscles and your metabolism. A variety of protein sources results in a great variety of amino acids, the building blocks of muscle. The more you get, the better the support.

So to help you fight boredom and improve your fitness results, here are 5 healthy foods that offer more protein than an egg – but with all the convenience.

5 Easy and Healthy High-Protein Foods

Greek Yogurt

The first item on my list is one you definitely need to keep on hand. The low-fat and fat-free options will help you avoid the extra fat, and it packs about 3 times the amount of protein in an egg-sized serving. Enjoy it as a snack with some fresh berries, as a substitute for sour cream, or in your cooking to make sauces creamy and tangy.

Dried Spirulina

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