
Banana split protein shake, Cashew protein bites, and Chocolate protein cake for one

This post is sponsored by DailyBurn. Update: Fuel-6 is no longer available, but you can still make these protein snacks using your favorite protein powder.

Oh friends, I have THREE new protein-packed recipes to share with ya.

Protein cake 1 of 1

These are some of the new pre- and post-workout goods I’ve been using lately. DailyBurn offered to send me some of their supplements to check out, and I was excited to give the pre-workout and protein powder a whirl. The Pre tastes like a tropical punch -and dissolves easily, so no powdery pockets exploding in your face- and also includes a dose of caffeine + beta-alanine, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), and creatine to enhance performance.. I was interested to learn that many companies who source BCAAs do so from freaky sources (like… bird feathers… gagggg), and DailyBurn uses BCAAs naturally-derived from botanical sources. I don’t use the PRE very often -it gives me a TON of energy- but it’s perfect for the mornings when I have to teach and am moving a little slowly.

As far as the Fuel-6 goes, I consider myself a bit of a protein powder connoisseur. I’ve tried a shelve’s worth of plant-based protein options, and always enjoy comparing them. I grabbed a pack and whisked it into some water. Next, I examined its appearance, gave the glass a gentle swirl as I stuck my nose into the glass for a full sniff (ok, just kidding) and took a sip. 

Goodies 1 of 1

It tastes like CAKE BATTER. It’s sweet, but not overwhelmingly so, and has an awesome flavor; it’s also lacking that “woodsy” taste I’ve gotten from some vegan protein powders in the past. 

The ingredients are fantastic, too.

Ingredients 1 of 1

I used the Fuel-6 in three protein-packed recipes, and am excited to share them with you! These all make delicious snacks, and are all packed with protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Please let me know if you give them a try!

This smoothie is one of our favorite combinations. It tastes like a healthy banana split, with dark cherries, crunchy cacao nibs and banana. Sometimes I’ll add a handful of spinach for a greens boost. 

Banana split smoothie 1 of 1

Fuel bites 1 of 1 3

Gooey almond butter 1 of 1

These little bites are perfect for make-ahead snack options. I’ll put a couple in a bag in my purse; they travel well, taste fantastic and are very satisfying. 

Fuel bites 1 of 1 2Fuel bites 1 of 1

This last one is like a tasty dessert treat. It’s a microwave cake for one, and the nutrition stats are pretty incredible. If you looked at the nutrition stats alone, you’d never guess that it was from a cake. ?

Protein cake 1 of 1

Nutritional info for all of the snacks above can be found here! ?


Do you regularly use protein powder? Any favorite recipes or smoothie combos??

Hope you have a wonderful afternoon!

Don’t forget to check in with your workout here, too.

This post is sponsored by DailyBurn. Thank you for supporting this little blog and the companies who help support our family. <3

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