Healthy Eating

Best Vegan Protein Sources

best vegan protein sources

Best Vegan Protein Sources

The vegan lifestyle continues to grow in popularity. Whether for health, moral, or cultural reasons, many people have removed animal byproducts from their diet. This includes all meats, fish, eggs, dairy products, and anything that contains these ingredients.

It’s a big decision, but what’s even bigger is the challenge that such a diet poses to proper nutrition.

Protein is particularly difficult to find on a vegan menu. Although many plant-based proteins are out there, including soy protein, these protein sources don’t contain the same complexity of amino acids found in animal-based proteins. This isn’t necessarily a problem, but it does mean that supplementing with protein is that much more important.

With the right vegan protein supplements, you’re more likely to get adequate support.

And remember, getting sufficient protein in your diet should not be taken lightly. Protein is necessary for a number of bodily functions, and plays a major role in building and repairing your muscle tissue. If you’re working out and doing a lot of weight training, the importance of protein is increased significantly.

Let’s look at my top picks for best vegan protein sources…

Best Vegan Protein Sources

1. Vegetables – Believe it or not, many vegetables are actually high in protein. 1 cup of broccoli or spinach, for example, contains 5 grams of protein. 1 cup of cooked sweet potato or kale also contains 5 grams, while 1 cup of cooked peas contains a whopping 9 grams of protein!

2. Legumes – Lentils and beans are even higher in protein content. There are 28 grams of protein in a cup of soybeans alone (with 1 cup of tofu containing 22 grams). A cup of lentils contains 18 grams of protein, a cup of refried beans contains 15.5, and a cup of chickpeas (garbanzo beans) contains 14.5.

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