
Blood Orange, Beet and Basil Salad

So I had a crazy flashback while making this blood orange salad.

Blood orange salad

I was standing in the restaurant in 105degrees, in my little cheffer outfit, segmenting an entire bucket of blood oranges. It was my first time working with the citrus, so naturally I was astonished by the bright, bold color.

Blood oranges

I used the orange segments as a garnish for a fancy raw cheesecake, which was also drizzled with a sweet blood orange glaze. 

raw cheesecake

(from back in the day! I can’t believe that was 5 years ago)

We stored the cheesecake in the freezer because the cashew filling softened quickly, and we’d pop one off a plate, and garnish just before serving. We usually used our chef’s knives to remove said cheesecake from the plate, and you can probably see where this is going. I had a stubborn cheesecake, and when I finally got it off the plate, the plate went flying through the air, shattered (in an intimate and quiet dining atmosphere) and I also gashed my hand in the process. The end, and the reason why my stint in restaurant cooking (or un-cooking) was fairly short-lived ?

I couldn’t help but grab a bag of blood oranges when I saw them at Trader Joe’s. A tiny part of me throughout about doing another raw cheesecake, but I decided to keep things simple and let the natural flavor of the oranges shine, instead of being muddled with a ton of ingredients.

Blood orange salad

Follow this recipe to make a bright and savory blood orange salad.


Blood Orange Salad with Beets and Basil



  • 1 bag of oranges, segmented (about 1.5 cups)
  • One pack steamed beets (or six fresh beets, roasted and salted)
  • 2 cups basil, chopped
  • olive oil
  • salt and pepper
  • Sunflower seeds


  1. Segment the bag of oranges.
  2. Add beets and 2 cups chopped basil.
  3. Drizzle on a little olive oil, season with salt and pepper, and top with sunflower seeds.

Simple and delicious.

Blood orange salad

No plates were damaged in the making of this salad.

Do you have any awesome blood orange recipes? I think the juice would be glorious in a mimosa or sangria!

Have you ever worked in the restaurant atmosphere? Any awesome fail stories? ?

Have a great day!



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