
Brownie batter protein bites

(gluten-free and vegan!)

Hi guys! How’s the day going? I’ve loved reading about your fitness resolutions for the new year. Keep ’em coming! Also, now is a great time to start working on those inspiration boards. I’ll be putting the call out to link to them (or email a pic) on Wednesday and would love to feature some here on the blog. 

Our trip to Tucson was so much fun, and it was great to be surrounded with the fam and our friends. Kyle and Meg officially move out to the east coast this week! Crazypants. I’m beyond excited for them, but I will definitely miss them when we visit T-town.

Some fun Tucson adventures:

-Liv and I went with mom and nana to see Annie while the boys went golfing. The movie was FANTASTIC. I was expecting it to be meh, but it was a very modern and unique twist on the beloved classic. The music was beautiful (Jamie Foxx almost made me cry haha), and Cameron Diaz as Ms. Hannigan was hilarious. Liv is already asking to see it again. ?

-A glorious brunch at Prep & Pastry, which is already my new favorite Tucson brunch spot. I had the sweet potato hash with drippy eggs and a cherry rose green tea. They have French toast, pancakes, egg dishes, and craft mimosas. 



-My cousin’s Inappropriate White Elephant party. It was amazing. For our gift, I took these cool Mason shot glasses and a funny drinking dice game. We scored a bottle of wine, espresso mug and Starbucks gift card. Those were the two tamest gifts out of the bunch haha. There was also RUM COCOA.

White elephant

Rum cocoa

–Sara and I filmed the videos for this year’s Winter Shape Up! It starts January 26, so be sure to mark your calendars! Anne and I are bringing you 4 weeks of healthy eating plans and workouts to crush your spring fitness and health goals just in time for spring. I was so excited to work with Grant again, as he’s the mastermind behind the filming of Soli Beat. Hope you guys like the videos!

Wsu videos

Filming wsu

Now we’re back home in the swing of things, I taught BODYPUMP this morning (slacker here did the “Bad Company” biceps track with my real warmup weight and regretted it instantly. So hard!!), and we attempted to restock our sad veggie-deprived fridge. After eating, drinking, and being merry for the past couple of weeks, it feels good to get back into normalish eating.


We haven’t even been home for 24 hours and I’ve already had a kitchen fail. I’m making this soup for dinner tonight, and we don’t have a stock pot big enough for the whole chicken. I transferred it to the slow cooker, realized how long it would take to cook, and then threw the dang chicken in the oven. Next time, I’m just buying a rotisserie chicken haha. Fingers crossed it still turns out.

The good news is that I’ve had one awesome kitchen success, but it’s pretty foolproof: these brownie batter protein bites.

Brownie batter protein bites  1 of 1 2

Brownie batter protein bites  1 of 1 3

These are a twist on the beloved amazeballs, and taste EXACTLY like brownie batter. They’re also packed with protein, healthy fats, and energizing oats.

Brownie batter bites  1 of 1

Here’s the recipe if you’d like to give it a whirl!



Brownie Batter Protein Bites

A nutrient-dense snack that tastes just like brownie batter. Go for it.

  • Prep Time: 5
  • Total Time: 5
  • Yield: 5 1x



  • 2 tablespoons shredded unsweetened coconut
  • 2 tablespoons chocolate protein powder
  • 2 tablespoons oats (for gluten-free, be sure to use certified gf oats. For grain-free, use almond meal)
  • 2 tablespoons chocolate chips
  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds (optional)
  • 2 tablespoons almond butter
  • 2 tablespoons pure maple syrup (plus more as needed to texture)
  • Pinch of sea salt


  1. Combine all ingredients in a small food processor.
  2. Pulse to until all ingredients are mixed and you have a dough-like texture. Grab a little with your hand and pinch to see if it will hold together. If not, add a little more maple syrup and pulse until it reaches the right texture. (Depending on how drippy your nut butter is, you may need an extra tablespoon or so.)
  3. Separate into 5 servings, roll into balls and store covered in the fridge for up to one week.


  • Serving Size: 5

Nutrition stats? Here ya go. ?

More of my favorite protein ball recipes:

–Bliss balls

–Superfood cookie dough

–Original amazeballs

–Peanut butter cup amazeballs

–Gingerbread amazeballs

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