
Chicken, Quinoa and Sweet Potato Soup

Here’s a recipe for chicken quinoa and sweet potato soup + a What I Ate Wednesday bonus. ?

Happy almost-weekend! Anything fun on the horizon? We have a few events that I’m looking forward to, and Sunday, I get my Mother’s Day gift since we were in Vegas last weekend: to sleep until I choose to wake up. I can’t wait for my body to ache from being in the horizontal position far longer than it’s used to, haha.

What I Ate Wednesday

Today, I thought I’d share a little What I Ate Wednesday post, on Thursday (since I’m always unfashionably late to these kinds of things). I always love reading these posts because they’re a great way to get new ideas, and because I’m kind of nosy like that.

Here are yesterday’s eats:

First thing: I like to drink hot water with apple cider vinegar (about a tablespoon), cayenne pepper, the juice of one lemon, and a drizzle of maple syrup. ACV has a ton of health benefits, particularly when it comes to regulating the ph balance of the body and aiding digestion. I also just think it tastes delicious. This is how I like to wake up, but I keep the mug far away from Liv because she’ll start asking me to, “STOP that smell!” 


ACV cheers

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs with salsa and brown rice tortillas. This is the standard b-fast, unless I’m feeling like something sweet. Then it’s these pancakes, breakfast cookie dough cereal or chia pudding. 


Sweet bite: I made these cookies as part of recipe testing, and froze the batch. I ate one, and then had another half. I think we have a winner.


Snack: container of berries and a sparkling water. I used to like sparkling water, but now I LOVE it because it makes baby dance around. It makes me so happy.

berries and sparking water

I stopped at People’s to grab some necessities, 


and grabbed some lunch stuff since I was there and everything. ? They have the BEST kale salads, great soups and an order-to-go sandwich bar. Everything is organic with an emphasis on local products. It’s definitely become one of my favorite places to shop.

I got the magic kale salad (which has dulse and cucumber) + some spicy tempeh in peanut sauce. 

Lunch: said kale salad and tempeh with two pieces of brown rice bread with avocado, lime juice, sea salt and sriracha. I want this for lunch every day right now.

Spicy lunch

Pre-BODYPUMP snack: a few pieces of deli meat (pan-seared) with goat gouda and mustard

Deli meat snack

 a small apple, and a yogurt.

apple and yogurt

Dinner  was waiting for us when we got home from the gym: a hearty and delicious quinoa, sweet potato and chicken soup.

Slow Cooker Chicken, Quinoa, Sweet Potato Soup

Sweet potatoes


Chicken, Sweet Potato and Quinoa Soup

chicken, sweet potato and quinoa soup



  • 4 sweet potatoes, chopped
  • One pack of chicken thighs
  • 1 cup rinsed quinoa
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1/2 chopped sweet onion
  • 3 minced cloves of garlic
  • 32 oz chicken broth
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • 1 teaspoon oregano,
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried basil
  • 1/4 teaspoon dried parsley


  1. Season chicken with salt and pepper, then brown on each side.
  2. Place chicken in crockpot and top with all other ingredients.
  3. Set on high for 4 hours
  4. Top with cilantro or spinach (optional)

in the slow cooker

When we got home, I added the juice of one lemon and more salt and pepper to taste.

A quick and healthy soup, packed with protein and smart carbs:slow cooker chicken, sweet potato and quinoa soup

(I topped the bowl with spinach before eating to get in some more greens)

Not pictured: the chocolate chips and tea I had while watching Fifty Shades of NO with the Pilot. (Aka an hour and a half of my life I’ll never get back.)

What was the best thing you ate yesterday? Any new slow cooker recipes you’re loving?

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