
Creamy cauliflower mash

Hi! How’s the day going? So happy you liked the tartlet recipe! Let me know if you give them a whirl ?

Anyone else going through a major mid-summer closet purge?

It happened so quickly, shortly after reading a post my friend Maria FBed about a capsule wardrobe. I was instantly intrigued; before you knew it, I was knee-deep in closet piles, digging and sorting. 

I told the Pilot what I was up to, and he LAUGHED. And then his eyes got really large and he said, “What happens if you go on a crazy shopping binge after all of this?”

His obvious doubt made me even more determined to do it.

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(The process also made me realize how much of my wardrobe is grey and/or striped.)

After the Pilot saw piles of clothes on the bed (I was teaching a class), he sent me a little tease tweet: 

Tommy tweet

The fear is real ?

Maria has been my capsule wardrobe(ish) buddy, and she sent me an awesome list for staple pieces. We’re not going to the extreme (37 pieces is a little intense) but definitely minimizing things. If you guys like, I could do a Fashion post about it before the blog revamp launches and the Fashion page officially dies. (I think I’ll do Fashion posts on the main page, but they’ll be rare; they don’t seem to warrant their own page category.)

It felt really great to get everything sorted out and limit pieces to the things I really love and wear often. 

Last night, I made a real dinner: Jenna’s turkey lentil loaf (doubled the recipe and nixed the carrots) with cauliflower mash, sautéed zucchini


+ a new wine.


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Last time I posted the cauliflower mash, a few friends asked for the recipe. It’s really easy, and according to Livi, kind of stinky ? This was a Whitney creation, as it’s one of her weekly staples. It’s an awesome side to have on hand, and I especially love it on top of chicken and greens like a gravy.

-Wash and chop one head of cauliflower into large pieces

-Steam on the stovetop for about 10 minutes, until you can easily pierce with a fork

-Let cool slightly and transfer to a blender with about 1 cup of chicken broth and a little almond milk

-Blend on high -use the tamper to push the cauliflower around until it’s nice and creamy- and pour back into your large pot. (I’ll drain and rinse the pot before pouring the blended cauliflower into it.) Stir in a tablespoon of butter, garlic power, salt and pepper to taste, and about a teaspoon of dried chives. Allow to cool completely before storing in the fridge.

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Boom! Easy healthy side dish.

Hope you’re all enjoying a wonderful day! See ya in the morning with your August workout calendar (wahoo!) and a new Zumba video.


What’s something in your closet that you wear allllllll the time? This summer, it’s been my Joe’s jean shorts. Anyone else stuck on the grey striped bus? ?

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