Healthy Eating

Delicious Chocolate Chai Recipe

Chocolate Chai Recipe

Benefits of Chai

Chai tea is a staple in my diet, and a go-to drink when I want something healthy but also energizing. Not only is it high in antioxidants, it also contains a decent dose of caffeine to pick me up – without the jitters that come with coffee.

Chai is technically the Indian word for tea, but here in North America, we use the word chai to refer to spiced, Indian-style tea. If you go to an Indian restaurant or have the chance to visit India, you’ll also have the chance to try Masala Chai, which is chai tea with milk, a more popular drink than coffee there. In the West, most of us are familiar with the chai latte, which is simply sweetened chai tea with steamed milk.

But I’ve got a twist on chai tea that is sure to satisfy your biggest sweet tooth cravings. Add a little chocolate, and you’ve got yourself a delicious chocolate chai that can be drank hot or cold. Trust me, this recipe is totally refreshing and can make a healthy but light dessert.

Here’s how to get it right…

Chocolate Chai Recipe to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

For this chocolate chai recipe, you can use traditional cow’s milk or a milk alternative like soy or almond milk. I recommend trying almond milk – the nutty undertone in its flavor pairs well with the spices of the chai tea. But any dairy alternative will do, depending on your preference.

All of the ingredients in this recipe are also raw, which means you’ll get the maximum nutritional support from this tasty drink. Honey is an easy way to sweeten this drink naturally, but you can also use a little molasses or even raw dates.

For the chai spices, you have a few options. You can either use premade chai tea packets or loose leaf chai tea, or you can get a little more fancy with things and use the ingredients below. I like to use the fresh, raw ingredients whenever possible – again, to maximize the health benefits.

Ingredients (makes 4 servings):

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