
Easy Grilled Pizza

One of the things I quickly realized during our last (first!) Italy vacation was the beauty of food’s simplicity. Quality ingredients can go a loooong way, and don’t need to be bogged down with superfluous oils and seasonings. If you use fresh ingredients, the natural taste of the food can truly shine. I learned a lot about the types of food I enjoy on that trip (in Italy this would be: all the foods) and new ways to enjoy and prepare certain dishes.

For example: pizza.

Grilled pizza

Nothing in the world will be as good as REAL Italian pizza, but I did learn that it’s more delicious at home with high-quality and simple ingredients.

San Marzano tomatoes

Better: with a cracked egg on top.

Cracking an egg on top of pizza

Best: one pizza per person, no sharing allowed ?

Grilled pizza

I noticed that fellow diners would look at us kinda funny if we ordered a pizza to SHARE. (<– or maybe that was in my brain?) I guess you get your own pizza and nicely eat it with a fork and knife like a civilized person. My face plant probably alarmed some people.

Yesterday, the weather was beautiful, we knew we’d be enjoying some pizzas, and I cooked them on the grill. I suddenly decided I want to learn how to grill, so I’ve been all about testing the proverbial waters. Thank goodness the Pilot has been here to literally put out the fires.


(watch out now!)

Here’s the recipe: quick, simple and delicious for spring dinners and gatherings.


Easy grilled pizza

Pizza is pretty amazing on its own, but cooked it on the grill with a cracked egg on top, and it’s kind of the best thing ever.

  • Cook Time: 20
  • Total Time: 80



  • Dough of choice, prepared and ready to go (on a cookie sheet or pizza stone, round, flat and lightly sprayed with olive oil on both sides).
  • 1 28-oz can San Marzano tomatoes: tomatoes roughly chopped and sauce reserved
  • Cheese of choice (mozzarella and goat cheese are lovely options)
  • Fresh basil
  • Peeled garlic 35 cloves), olive oil, salt and pepper
  • 2 eggs


  1. Preheat the grill to medium high heat.
  2. Carefully slide the pizza dough onto the grill and shut the lid. Check on it in 5 minutes. The bottom should be nicely browned (<-- if not, put it back on the grill and check again in a couple of minutes). Using a large spatula, flip the dough onto a plate GRILLED SIDE UP. This is the side you're going to top.
  3. Lightly spray the grilled top with olive oil and rub the raw garlic cloves on the dough to give it a beautiful aroma and flavor.
  4. Top with tomato sauce, chopped tomatoes, cheese, salt and pepper. If you’d like, crack an egg into the middle of each pizza.
  5. Place the pizza(s) back on the grill (doughy uncooked side down) and shut the lid once more. Check on the pizzas in 5 minute intervals, until golden brown and the egg is cooked to your preference. (As you can see in the above picture… I kind of burnt the dough. Liv woke up from her nap and I spaced it. Good thing we all like toasty crust around here haha)
  6. Top with fresh hand-torn basil.


  • For a protein boost add some anchovies, prosciutto or sliced chicken

Grilled pizza is perfect for hot summers when you don't want to use the oven! Fresh ingredients and topped with an egg make it best!

What’s your favorite thing to cook on the grill? Are you the grillmaster in your house, or is it someone else?

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