
Grain-Free Vegan Thumbprint Cookies

For yesterday’s dinner, I had an awesome picnic in mind, but the rain had another idea. So hot bar inside it was. 


Noodle has the hot bar routine down pat. We walk around and pick our eats, grab a drink (either water or a fresh juice) and then she looks up at me and says, “Macaron? Macaron please?”


and we head over to the macarons. It’s a recent thing at our Whole Foods and they’re positively lovely. I almost feel bad eating them because they’re so pretty, but then… I don’t ? 

Another recent sweet treat?

These cookies!

fig butter thumbprint cookies

I wanted to play with my grain-free cookie recipe, and saw this jar of fig jam in the pantry. My mind instantly flashing to childhood, eating the thumbprint cookies out of the package. They were always a favorite, and I still think jam is a fabulous addition to baked goodies.

Fig jam thumbprints it was.

Fig Jam Thumbprint Cookies

No-Bake Fig Jam Thumbprint Cookies

For the dough, I used this recipe (minus the chocolate), shaped into cookies and placed in the fridge to harden. Next, using the back of a small spoon, I made little jam reservoirs in each cookie.

no-bake cookies

Filled with a little fig jam, and boom! Thumbprint cookies.

Pretty cute.

fig jam thumbprint cookies

The perfect size for little hands, or to enjoy with a cup a coffee.

It’s teaching time for this girl! This week is dance week at work, and even though I’ve only been teaching at the resort for 2 1/2 years, it’s fun to think about all of the different dance weeks and what was going on during each one. For my first dance week ever, I had JUST found out I was pregnant (I was pregnant when I started teaching there and had no idea, which could explain why the fatigue killed me); we had a dance week when I was 37 or so weeks pregnant (and Kyle had an emergency route planned in case I went into labor booty-popping on stage); one when I was just returning from maternity leave; and now, with the release of our DVD on the horizon. 

It’s a pretty easy teaching day for me (at least as of right now!) and I have a track workout planned for later today. <— more info on that in tomorrow’s post ? Fingers crossed the new sneaks allow it…

See ya later today with a Family post + video.

Something to read:

An article for fellow introverts 

The destructive lifestyle of an 80s model 

Stretches to relieve a sore neck

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