
Polenta Pesto Lasagna

I’m not sure what happened to me this week, but I’ve been extra inspired to try out new recipes. Sometimes I don’t post any recipes because I’ve been living off salad beasts and egg burritos, other times, I have so much I want to cook and share! This is one of those times, so I’m just rolling with it ?

Inspiration is a funny thing. It ebbs and flows, and should certainly be taken advantage of when you find it in abundance.

I’ve also been slacking on recipes for my veggie friends lately. It’s kind of been chickenpalooza over here, and I’ve been endeavoring to get back into plant-based meals. So for all my veggie friends, please accept this as a token of apology,

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and follow up with some brownie batter bites for dessert ? 

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Polenta is an awesome gluten-free noodle substitute, and this recipe uses polenta for lasagna noodles. Anytime you’d usually make a recipe with pasta, try serving it atop polenta instead– it totally works! Polenta rounds also make a fancy appetizer topped with your favorites  (like some fresh mozzarella, tomato and basil). I love the polenta flavor varieties out there (this one is sundried tomato), and that it’s inexpensive even at my beloved Whole Paycheck.

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To start, make your favorite pesto, or pick up your favorite store-bought variety. (<– the Trader Joe’s pesto is amaaaazing)

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Next, slice polenta into lasagna-sized flat “noodles.” One tube gave me 5 noodles, which was the perfect size to layer 3 layers (with 1 1/2 pieces on the top two layers).

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I topped with freshly-made pesto, using the basil from our herb garden, and also mixed some spinach into the pesto for a bold green color + boost of nutrients: 

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+ shredded goat gouda:

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and baked to perfection.

Here’s the recipe if you’d like to give it a whirl!



Polenta Pesto Lasagna

A savory gluten-free twist on a favorite pasta dish!

  • Prep Time: 15
  • Cook Time: 30
  • Total Time: 45


  • -1 sleeve of polenta (18 oz) in your favorite flavor
  • -pesto (can be homemade or store-bought)
  • -1 cup of your favorite shredded cheese


  1. Preheat the oven to 350
  2. Slice the polenta lengthwise into thin, lasagna-shaped “noodles)
  3. Place 2 noodles on the bottom of a standard loaf pan, then top with some pesto and shredded cheese. It will probably only go 2/3 the length of the loaf pan. Just go with it
  4. Top those noodles, pesto and cheese with 1 1/2 slices of polenta
  5. Add more pesto and more cheese
  6. Top with the last 1 1/2 noodles and more cheese
  7. Bake for 30 minutes at 350, until the cheese is browned and bubbly. There may be a pool of oil underneath your lasagna from the pesto. No worries
  8. Let the lasagna set for 15 minutes, then slice in half to make two large servings
  9. Enjoy with a grilled protein and/or a salad!


  • Vegan? Try Daiya cheese. It’s a favorite of mine and melts beautifully
  • Feel free to add in some ground protein of choice. Seasoned tempeh or ground turkey sausage would be fantastic


  • Serving Size: 2

Hope you love it <3

Any awesome pesto recipes to share?

Remember, we have less than a week in August! Check out the workout calendar if you’re looking for some ideas <3

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