
Spicy Shredded Chicken with Almond Butter Sauce

I’ve strayed away from my almond-butter-obsessed ways.

Its replacement: Sunbutter.

Nut butters

It all started when I realized that Liv wanted to eat everything I was eating, and I waited a while before introducing almonds to her. (Sunflower seeds are not a highly allergenic food.) It didn’t seem fair to be shoveling almond butter in my face all the livelong day when she couldn’t have a bite. Now that she eats pretty much everything, we’re still Sunbutter obsessed. It’s been a nice change since I kind of overdid it on the AB. I’m pretty sure I burned out from jars and jars of almond butter, year after year.


Also, I realized that many times I was eating it, I was bored and just felt like snacking on something, and now that I have Livi… well, I’m definitely never bored ?

So even though I’m not going through a jar a week anymore -we go through a lot of Sunbutter now- I still love almond butter as an accompaniment. It’s no longer the star of the show, but rather a fun nutty addition to snacks and recipes.

Like this chicken.

Spicy Almond Butter Chicken

thai chicken

We’ve been in a chicken rut lately, while I love the convenience of crockpot chicken, we tend to do the same things over and over. I was trying to think of a new sauce or flavor profile to try, and my beloved spicy almond butter sauce came to mind. It was a wise choice, indeed.

spicy almond butter sauce

To get in some extra veggies, I added chopped fresh green beans and carrots to the mix, and served it along with quinoa for dinner.

This afternoon, it was an absolutely fantastic snack wrapped in rice paper with lettuce, basil, lime juice and sriracha. 

Spicy almond butter chicken rolls

(Pay no attention to that sad roll in the back)

It will be fun option to add to salads and wraps this week!

Here’s how you can make it at home too:


Spicy Shredded Chicken with Almond Butter Sauce

A nutty twist on classic slow-cooked chicken

  • Prep Time: 15
  • Total Time: 240



For the slow cooker

  • 2 large chicken breasts
  • 3 carrots, roughly chopped
  • 1/2 pound of green beans, trimmed and chopped
  • 1 cup chicken broth
  • Salt and pepper
  • 3 cloves of minced garlic

For the sauce

  • 1/2 cup almond butter
  • 1/3 C almond milk (or milk of choice)
  • 1 tablespoon Tamari or soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • Splash of sriracha
  • Salt, pepper and garlic powder


  1. In the slow cooker, add the chicken, garlic, broth, carrots and green beans
  2. Top with broth (make sure there’s enough to go halfway up the chicken) and season liberally with salt and pepper
  3. Set to low for 4-6 hours
  4. When chicken is finished, use a fork to shred the meat and then make the almond butter sauce by whisking all ingredients in a bowl until smooth
  5. Top the chicken and veggies with almond butter sauce and stir to coat
  6. Enjoy atop brown rice or quinoa for a savory and satisfying dinner!


  • Serving Size: 3

I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

Have a great day <3



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