
Staying on the wagon + some awesome dinners

Hi! How’s it going? It’s rainy and gloomy and fantastic.

W liv in old town

We had a morning playdate with Whitney and Wyn, and during naptime, I’m packing up Kale Yeah shirts and getting ready for Zumba.

During spin on Monday, I gave my class major kudos for showing up. It can be hard to get back into the usual routine after a huge holiday, and they were there ready to rock it out.

Played this song for the last sprint:

I’ve found that something that works best for me during the holiday season is to stick to my schedule and normal eats as much as I possibly can. After a big party or event, it can be easy to think “Oh well, I overdid it so I might as well keep going” and end up spiraling into habits that leave you feeling lethargic and blah. 

I’ve also found that having a balance of treats, rest, and cocktails in my regular life -not just the holiday season- keeps me from wanting to “rebel” and overindulge. They don’t seem as tempting when you allow yourself to do and have these things on a regular basis. Back in the day, I wouldn’t have treats as often, and during the holiday season I would turn into a cookie monster. Now, a cookie is just a cookie. If I want one, I eat one, enjoy it, and go on with life. ?

I’m not sure what this is, but just wanted to give a little fist bump to you for sticking with your routine as much as possible during the holidays! Remember that it’s the forest and not the trees; go for a grand scheme of things approach.

I’ve had some requests for more everyday type eats, so I thought I’d share some recent highlights.

Crab cakes!

Crab cakes

We’ve decided that we want to start taking advantage of the fresh seafood around us, so we picked up some lump crab meat from Point Loma Seafoods (the best!!) and I got to work on these crab cakes. 

Crab cakes3

I followed the recipe from Delicious Disney (an old favorite cookbook) and they were AMAZING. They were a little more labor-intensive than the usual 20-minute cooking blitzes, but it was totally worth it. 

Crab cakes2

Next, some sweet potato, zucchini and chicken enchiladas.


For these, I sautéed a chopped shallot, one chopped zucchini and 2 cloves of garlic in a little olive oil. While they were cooking, I boiled 2 large (peeled and chopped) sweet potatoes for about 7 minutes, and drained the sweet potatoes before adding them to the skillet with the veggies. I seasoned everything with about 1 teaspoon of smoked paprika, 1 tablespoon chili powder, salt, pepper, and 1/2 teaspoon oregano. Next, I added shredded rotisserie chicken (at the last minute, just to heat it up without drying it out) before wrapping the mixture in corn tortillas. I dipped each tortilla in this sauce before rolling, and topped with grated manchego. Everything went in the oven for 20 minutes. Since I had leftover sweet potato mixture, I saved it and have been enjoying it with dippy eggs for breakfast.

Another recent bfast: Paleo bread with peanut butter, berries, honey and a side of scrambled eggs.

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Last night’s dinner: rosemary salmon with a cranberry bourbon sauce.

Rosemary salmon with cranberry bourbon sauce  1 of 1 2

Still not over cranberry sauce.

Rosemary salmon with cranberry bourbon sauce  1 of 1

I made my usual sear-and-bake salmon (with salt, pepper, garlic and rosemary) and for the sauce, I heated 8 oz organic cranberries with 1/4 cup bourbon, 4 tablespoons honey, and 1/4 cup orange juice. When the berries started to pop and sizzle, I turned the heat down to low until serving. It was an awesome sweet and savory combo!

Any awesome dinners lately? What’s your favorite rainy day or crockpot meal? I’m hankering for some pho…

See ya in the morning!


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