Healthy Eating

The Easy Way To Screw Diets Forever

The Easy Way To Screw Diets Forever

The Real Toll of Stress, and What to Do About It

I’m writing this because I’m tired, just tired of the whole diet BS strategy that I keep come across and I’m sure you are probably in the same boat and just want to scream it out right?!

Well what if I told you that this was a good thing and that I’m proud of you for making the decision to just say “F*** it all, I just want to not have to think about diets, I want to eat well and be satisfied with what I eat?!”

What you should particularly like about this is that it sets a mindset where you are being real with yourself, and I mean being real in the sense of not pretending to like a Kale & celery juice over a decadent vanilla latté! Being real with yourself is the first step in deciding on a life change that makes it a healthy yet comfortable habit that you get into with what you eat.

The easiest way to do all of this? Simply make the promise to yourself that you are going to challenge yourself for the next month to make your meals at least 80-90% of the 7 days each week. This will allow you to take control of what goes in your poor little belly that you put through the ringer so often. After all your belly is the part of you, you really should be the kindest to.

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