Healthy Eating

Top 7 Most Common Nutrition Mistakes

Top 7 Most Common Nutrition Mistakes

Nutrition Mistakes

Healthy nutrition isn’t always as simple as it looks. While many of the old rules still apply, we’ve learned a lot in the last decade or so. At the end of the day, you need to pay attention to what you put in your body.

To help shed some light on healthy nutrition and help you get it straight, let’s together review 7 of the most common nutrition mistakes.

If you can avoid doing these things, you’ll find yourself ahead of the game, and much closer to your weight loss and fitness goals.

The 7 Most Common Nutrition Mistakes

1. Not Reading Food Labels – This one tops my list because everything starts here when it comes to the nutritional value of your food. Whenever you buy anything that’s packaged or prepared, you need to know what’s in it, because you haven’t been involved in the process in any way. Ignore the flashy labels on the front of the packaging, as they’re often misleading.

Make sure there are no trans fats, low saturated fats, and primarily whole food ingredients. Also avoid foods that list sugar and white or bleached flour as their first or second ingredients. If you want to dive a little further in how to read nutrition labels review my article Nutrition Facts Label – How to Read.

2. Replacing Pop with Fruit Juice – Sorry folks, but fruit juice is often just as bad as pop when it comes to sugar content. In fact, recent studies show that a diet high in fruit juice can also predispose you to Type 2 diabetes. And when sugar isn’t burned off, it’s converted into fat.  That doesn’t mean you can’t have fresh fruit juices which are also high in vitamins, just have them less frequently and for your go to drink have water with lemon, or even cucumber and mint.

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