
Tuna salad stuffed avocado

Hiii! How’s your St. Patrick’s Day going?? I’ll help get you in the spirit of the day with a green juice and a green avocado stuffed with healthy tuna salad! Also two St. Patrick’s Day-ish songs I played during spin last night:

1) “Whiskey in the Jar” (standing climb with tempo work)


2) “Lord of the Dance.” This was the last song of class, and everyone seemed to get a kick out of it. It was PERFECT for half moderate climb, half crazy sprint to the end, and a festive way to change up the playlist.

For our viewing pleasure:


 (the version I played for class was different -it’s the last one from the soundtrack, with taps- but you get the idea)

Random fact: my Irish dance teacher from back in the day BEAT Michael Flatley in the World Irish Dance Championship in 1989. 

It’s been a good St. Paddy’s Day so far. Hand therapy was AMAZING -I’m so so happy I’m finally able to go, and it’s helping so much- and then I had a lovely morning with my favorite little leprechaun. She helped me make the brownie cupcakes, which we’ll top with Bailey’s frosting (for the adults) and spinach-dyed green frosting for the kiddos. 

Green Juice for St Patrick’s Day

Quintessential green beverage:

Green Juice for St Patrick's Day

(juice with green apple, spinach, cucumber, celery, ginger, lemon and mint)

Juice ingredients

Green juice

Healthy Tuna Salad Stuffed Avocado

Lunch was leftover tuna salad from yesterday, served in an avocado. Liv went crazy for it, too! Ok, so at first she was a little skeptical (because, let’s be real, it kind of looks like cat food).

Healthy tuna salad stuffed avocado

Then, I told her that Ariel from The Little Mermaid LOVES tuna. She happily ate a bowl full, while I realized what I’d just said. Ariel eats her friends. Mom fail. 

Tuna stuffed avocado

The difference between pretty food photographs and how they’re actually consumed. ?

Tuna stuffed avocado with an extra side of tuna


Healthy Tuna Salad Stuffed Avocado



  • 1/2 sweet onion, chopped
  • 2 carrots, chopped
  • 10 cornichons or pickles of choice
  • 2 cans tuna in water, drained (check the label for BPA-free, sustainably caught)
  • 1 tbsp mayo
  • 1 tsp mustard of choice
  • 1 container of goat yogurt


  1. Add onion, carrots and cornichons to the food processor. I processed until well-chopped.
  2. Next add mayo, mustard and yogurt.
  3. Season well with salt, pepper and garlic powder.

 So simple, super healthy and delicious. 

Trader Joe's How and sweet mustard

Today’s Workout

Since I ended up taking Sunday off, today was an easy 3-miles (I’d walk with incline for 1 minute, run between 6.0-6.7 for 2 minutes). I was ROCKING out the the POSH playlist (doing this in my mind), and my phone fell off the treadmill not once, but twice during my workout. Looks like I’ll be needing to wear the arm band again.

I fail at treadmilling

I don’t teach tonight, so I’m excited to hang out here with the fam. Trying to think of something fun to do after dinner. ?

Hope you have a great night!

Tell me something green from your day! Any gym fails lately?

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