Women's Health

Why women fall in love with an old man?

Mature and full of sense of security, but also know how to love a woman

The old man with respect to the little woman is definitely mature, the mature which only come from the experience of time is the key to attract women. They experience more, and know more, so he can carefully find, delicate guide your mood changes, and can teach you some how to deal with the work of the workplace tips, give you advice on life. Man women cannot feel sate when together with the young man. The old men are more stable, the chance of success is also high. In the young woman’s viewpoint, they can give themselves a safe and happy home.


The old man experienced countless women, so they know woman much detail. They know what women want and how to make women happy. And they are very rich in sex skills, due to the sex requirements of modern social women are also more and more high, so they think the old man can give them sex, but not hurt them.

The too deep father’s feelings, and father love lost in the childhood

Sometimes, your father’s feelings are too deep will cause you favor and prefer the old man in the future. This is because, in the long journey of childhood, you get used father’s indulgence and doting, also used their spoiled and capricious on father, blindly lingering in arbitrary capricious.

Objectively speaking, a young girl and an older man’s life can also be full of happiness, but the precondition is must have love, and know how to really change their love.

Because in the subconscious has been longing for a father, when looking for love partner, it is very difficult to give up their original desire. And because there is no experience with father, but mostly from the illusion of their own. Therefore, the reality often deviate from their fantasy and let down.


Calm and wealth

Calm is to say a person’s mental maturity, although there is no absolute relationship with the age, but, after all, old man experienced more, when failing to panic, they are not scared, and they can help a lot for the woman in the life.

To be together with an old man for money will do not bother for a lot of people, but this is an old man to attract a woman’s great charm. Money can make the world go around things, what is love? Love to the last is also need money based. This wealth is not only refers to the cash money, more refers to the objective of wealth accumulation in the society of the old man.

Break with the young boy to seek the protection of the old man

For revenge or retreated, dare not with those young man without negative responsibility, because they are not mature, they believe only the truly mature men can bring safety, then, to choose the one can almost be her father.

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