
BBQ Zucchini Chips

Hi friends! I absolutely loved reading your comments on yesterday’s intermittent fasting post. Thank you again to Maria and Catherine for starting the conversation! For now on, I think that would be a fun way to present “Focus On” posts regarding diet, just to further demonstrate that there are so many ways to fuel yourself- it’s up to you to determine what works for your unique needs and body composition.

I haven’t taken many pictures this week, as my hands and arms have been literally quite full.

A few:

our bottle brush trees that in bloom

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(my favorite)

the salad from Sweet Tomatoes

Sweet tomatoes

and one of our many snuggle sessions.


It’s another rough teething week for little miss. They always seem to alternate (good week, tough week), but as soon as those eye teeth pop through, I’ll be doing the happy dance.

We were up two nights in a row, and for Tuesday’s nap time, we snoozed together on a blanket on her bedroom floor. She would only sleep with me holding her, we were both exhausted, and it was lovely. At least I’m get lots of extra snuggles… I’ll take ’em.

Even though she hasn’t been feeling quite like herself, Liv’s appetite hasn’t changed in the least. We shared this entire batch of BBQ zucchini chips, fresh from the dehydrator yesterday morning.

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I’m always looking for ways to change up our zucchini consumption -it’s so easy just to sautee in butter with garlic, salt, pepper and balsamic- and I usually get the big packs of organic zucchini from Trader Joe’s.

I love plain veggie chips in the dehydrator, and figured I’d make a BBQ variation using some zucchini we had on hand.

Here’s what I did:

Sliced two medium zucchini using a veggie peeler, and placed them in a large bowl

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I poured about 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil on top of the zucchini and tossed to coat.

Next, in a small bowl, I combined some spices to make the BBQ rub:

-1/2 t smoked paprika

-1/2 t chili powder

-1/2 t cumin

-1/4 t pepper

-1/4 t salt

-1/2 brown sugar

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-Added the rub mix to the zucchini, and used my hands to make sure they were fully coated before placing in the dehydrator.

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I dehydrated them overnight on Teflexx sheets, and this morning, they were crisped to perfection.

(If you make them at home in an oven, just place on a cookie sheet, turn the oven to the lowest setting and leave the door slightly ajar. It will take a few hours, but it’s worth it.)

The entire batch was gone before breakfast…

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Off to work for me!

Hope you have a wonderful day <3

What’s your favorite chip flavor?

If you’re looking for more ideas, check out kale chips, cool ranch kale chips, sour cream and onion kale chips, zucchini bites and eggplant bacon ? (I kinda like veggie chips.)

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